
发布日期:2024-08-15 23:24    点击次数:126



League of Legends, also known as LoL, is a multiplayer online battle arena game developed and published by Riot Games. It has become one of the most popular esports worldwide and has attracted millions of players. One of the key roles in the game is the support or "ADC," who is responsible for assisting the team's AD carry to secure objectives, kills, and lane dominance. In this article, we'll focus on how support players form an integral part of successful esports teams.

The Role of a Support in League of Legends

The support role in League of Legends is sometimes underrated, but it can be the difference between winning and losing a game. The support is responsible for setting up kills for their laning partner, the AD carry, and helping them farm gold more efficiently. In addition to that, the support must be aware of the enemy team's movements and make sure that their team is protected from any potential threats. It's a demanding role that requires excellent map awareness, communication, and teamwork.

The Rise of the Support Esports Team

Esports teams used to rely heavily on star players, primarily ADCs, to carry the team to victory. However, in recent years, the concept of a support-focused team has emerged. The support position has become more important, and some teams have specialized in building around their support player. One such team is SK Telecom T1, whose former support player, Lee "Wolf" Jae-wan, was integral to their success, earning himself the title of "Godfather of Supports." Other notable esports teams that have had a great support player at the helm include Edward Gaming and Royal Never Give Up, among others.

The Importance of Support Players in Esports

The support player's role is not solely limited to the game itself. A good support player can be the backbone of the team, ensuring that everyone remains unified and focused. Since the role requires excellent communication skills, they play an integral part in shot-calling and directing team movements. They keep everyone informed and aware of what is happening on the map, and can be the team's eyes and ears. Additionally, they can boost team morale by keeping everyone's spirits high, even during difficult moments in the game.

Support Players as Secret Weapons in Esports

Support players can be a team's secret weapon when it comes to winning high-pressure games. The opposing team may not focus on the support as much, giving them the opportunity to make big plays unnoticed. This is especially true when it comes to competitive esports, where players can have specific roles and responsibilities. A good support player can set up their AD carry and make game-winning plays, while still flying under the radar.


The support role in League of Legends esports is often overlooked, but it's a crucial aspect of any successful team. A good support player can be the difference between winning and losing and can bring the team together as a unit. Finding a support player with excellent communication skills, map awareness, and the ability to set up their team to win is vital. The support player is not only integral to the game itself but also in boosting team morale and keeping everyone focused. In conclusion, support players in esports teams are worth their weight in gold and should never be underestimated.